Hello and warm wishes to you all, my New Family at Stansted.
I am taking the opportunity to greet you all and am full of joy and gratitude to be sent to serve you both as brother and pastor.
I was sorry to learn that your outgoing Parish Priest, Fr. Liam, is unwell and I join you in praying for his welfare and look forward to meeting him soon. Clair has already warmly welcomed me to the Parish, and I will be making a couple of trips to drop items at the presbytery by the end of the month.
Once I have dates for my trips down to Stansted, if anyone is available, I would be happy to say hello and have a cup of tea. I will ask Clair to communicate these dates with you once they have been confirmed. As I live next to a Porkpie Factory here in Syston, I will be happy to bring some along, even if I am not keen on them myself, so please do send me any orders!
That is all for now and please rest assured that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Should any of you wish to contact me please send me an email via my Diocesan email address: [email protected]
Please remember me in your prayers when you can.
Thank you and see you soon, God willing.